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Heart 2 Horse Allows This Western Trainer to Combine Her Expertise in Equine Massage Therapy With a Vibrant Training Business What’s your name, and where do you train horses? My name is Abby Pacheco and I train horses at Heart 2 Horse in Colorado Springs. I’ve been in business for …

A variety of options are necessary for optimal control Flies can be more than an annoyance – they can even be dangerous, whether impacting a ride with your horse in a single, painful bite or transmitting diseases to horses and cattle. “Flies are pesky, they’re hard to control. And a …

Q: Hello! My family and I will be moving onto a property that will (hopefully) have enough space to move my pony onto. Though if the property doesn’t come with a pasture and/or lean-to we will be putting one in ourselves. How big should a decently sized pasture be for …

Q: Is there any scientific literature regarding the stress effects horses underwent during use in wartime, such as the Civil War? • Andre A: When one thinks about the trauma and suffering horses (as well as people, other livestock, and wildlife) endured during wars throughout the history of mankind it …

Q: I would like to know the best western bit to use Cassidy A: Hi Cassidy, Thank you for your question! So it really depends on too many things to narrow it down to one bit. I use two or three different bits depending on what I’m doing with my …

Q: I have had my horse 5 years and he’s always travelled like an absolute dream. We tried to take him to vets today and his back legs were sliding under him, he was trying to sit down and was very unsettled. He’s recently had his shoes taken off could …

Q: I just got some lavender extract paste can I make horse treats with it? If I can what should I put in them? –Jamie A: Lavender can be used in making horse treats of almost any type you wish. Most horses will like the flavor, though it’s useful to …

Q: My previously foundered mare came down suddenly lame as we had a Siberian cold front come in. We live in NW IL and the wind chills were -34F this lasted for 2 weeks. Temps have become more seasonal and we are due for a stretch of 50 degree weather. …

Q: How can I teach my horse to stay at a constant canter so he doesn’t speed up or slow down when I don’t have the reins? ~ Julia A: Hi Julia, That is a great question. The most important part of this is to teach your horse to …

Q: Hi! I’m wondering if anyone on your team has any suggestions on how to prevent our horses from defecating in a certain area of their corral near the entrance gate? We’d prefer they choose an alternate area that wasn’t so close to the house and we didn’t have to …

Q: Can a cataract be successfully healed in a horse? If so, does their eyesight return to normal? Thank you. Dan A: Hello Dan, Yes. Cataracts in horses are classified by age of onset, cause, location and severity. Many cases of cataracts in horses only partially obstruct vision making the …

Q: I have a mare that has a lot more go than anything else. After riding for 30 or so minutes, she calms down some, but is still a fast walker. When going through trails, she doesn’t slow down to take the time to take the best path. I don’t …

Q: My question has a bit of a back story. I have one mare and one gelding. They’ve been together for four years. I had the gelding first (he is 16 and my mare is 9). I bought the mare as a four-year-old. They’ve never been apart. I show jump …

Q: Hi Al, Good morning, I have a question that I’m hoping you can answer for me. I have recently started riding a friends horse (after not riding for almost 10 years). It is a 6yr old gelding (Section D Welsh Cob). I rode him for the second time yesterday, …

Q: Hi Al, I know quite a bit about horses but not training young ones. Twice I have seen people cross-tie a young horse under a year old and just leave it tied 24 / 7. One of them (for sure) was a colt, the other I don’t know. What …

Q: I am considering buying a colt AQHA. I have never own a horse for myself personally. I would like to know what I would be getting myself into managing and making sure he stays happy and safe, just so I know what is ahead. Since he will be our …

Q: How is this horse’s conformation? Breed: Mustang Age: 8 YO Want to use for trail riding Looking for feedback on the horse. Please feel free to give us your input. We’d love to know your thoughts -Michele A: Hi Michele, This is a nice looking mustang, stocky …
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