Fire Mountain Trail Course, near Sedro-Woolley, WA is hosting an Equine Trail Sports (ETS) Buckle Series during the 2014 riding season. One buckle will be awarded to each of three levels of skill—Beginning, Intermediate and the highly competitive Advanced Level – along with winning cash prizes of $75, $150 and $300, respectively. All levels based on skill, not age.There will be 8 riding events across 4 weekends throughout the summer; participants must ride in at least 6 of these events to be eligible for a buckle. Dates include June 14 & 15; July 19 & 20; August 9 & 10; and September 6 & 7. Ribbons to 6th place will be awarded at each event in each of the 3 skill levels and buckles and cash prizes will be awarded at the final event on September 7.
Saturday events will use at least 8 of 35 obstacles found on the trail course; Sunday events will consist of obstacles chosen from the course, as well as from a trail ride of not less than 5 miles in adjacent forest lands.
Riders must be a member of ETS to participate in these events. ETS is a national organization and has an inclusive, family-friendly format. All riders can choose the level of difficulty to be executed at each obstacle and riders are not timed. More information on ETS can be found at .More information on Fire Mountain Trail Course can be found on the trail course page at, or on Facebook. You may also call 360-856-4397.
Published May 2014 Issue

The Colorado Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in Colorado and surrounding area. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.