Northwest Horse Fair officials have announced details for their 2017 expo for horse lovers! The Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2017, presented by Akins Trailer Sales, will celebrate the spirit of the horse, featuring fancy dancing horses, spell-binding equine entertainment, first-class clinicians, dynamic demos, and a huge trade show, providing wholesome family fun for horse lovers of all ages!
Now in it’s eighteenth year, the expo will kick off Thursday evening March 23, with the first round of a brand new event: the Mustang Adoption Challenge 2017, presented by Teens & Oregon Mustangs. Then the “mane event” gets into full swing, running three full days: March 24, 25 and 26, with an array of equine performances, entertainment and education, at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center in Albany, Oregon.
John Cloe, event manager and founder said, “We have a fantastic variety of top-notch clinicians from across the United States, for the enjoyment of our audiences, including: Ken McNabb (WY) teaching General Horsemanship; Van Hargis (TX) providing Ranch Versatility clinics; Jec Ballou (CA) presenting Conditioning & Fitness for Classical and Western Dressage Horses; Steve Edwards (AZ) working with Mules; Peggy Cummings (WA) featuring Connected Riding®; and Bonnie Davis (CA) giving workshops and lectures on Horse Camping & Trail Riding. In addition, radio and on-line TV host of Speaking with Horses, Wayne Williams (WI), will be on hand.”
“We’re pleased to host a super new event this year: the Mustang Adoption Challenge 2017, presented by the non-profit organization, Teens and Oregon Mustangs”, said Mr. Cloe. Three divisions of contestants will exhibit mustangs they have acquired through the program, and trained from December 2016 to March 2017: Youth in Hand; Youth Riding; and Adult Riding. Competitors and their mustangs will compete in a series of classes to include Overall Body Condition, Showmanship, In-Hand Riding Trail, and a Freestyle Course. According to Mr. Cloe, “This is a family-friendly event! We invite all Northwest Horse Fair spectators to pick a winner and root for your favorite Mustang Adoption Challenge horse-rider team! You could even take a mustang home! After the Sunday finals of the competition, the mustangs will be live auctioned to help these trained mustangs find their forever homes.” For more information on the Mustang Adoption Challenge 2017, go to http://www.teensandoregonmustangs.org.
The entertainment with horses just keeps coming! From elegant dancing horses to a fast-paced drill team, there’s horse fun for everyone, at the Northwest Horse Fair! The BlackPearl Friesian Dance Troupe will offer sophisticated syncopation on horseback, as their horses glide across the arena to the rhythm of music, with riders dressed in vibrant costumes. The Brokenridge Drill Team will step it up a notch, as they feature precision drill maneuvers at speed! And the Ecco Ridge Vaulters will show off their grace and athleticism in creative gymnastics – on the back of a cantering horse!

Breyer® Horse will again feature BreyerWest®, a fun model horse event featuring model horse hobby demonstrations, model horse shows, and fun crafts for kids and adults. The combination of BreyerWest and Northwest Horse Fair offers horse lovers a wealth of practical real horse information and learning, along with model hobby artistry and crafts, and lots of fun activities for children. The complete schedule and list of available workshops will be announced at a later date on Breyer’s official website, www.BreyerHorses.com, along with information on how to enter model shows and workshops, and other event details. Pre-registration is required for the Open Model Horse Show and strongly encouraged for the Youth and Novice Model Horse Show.
Northwest Horse Fair shopping enthusiasts can explore a giant trade show with rows of commercial booths, featuring horse trailers, clothing for riders, saddles, tack, equine products and services, gifts, home décor items, and much more!
Sunday March 26 is KMTR Youth Day, a special day for young horse lovers! Children aged 12 years and under get in free that day, when accompanied by a paying adult, plus 4-H and Pony Club members aged 13 to 18 years, get in free with their club ID cards.
Applications are now being accepted for participation at the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2017, including: trade show vendors; sponsorships; clinic participants; Stallion Review and Breed Showcase participants; and advertisers in the event program. Applications can be viewed and printed at www.equinepromotions.net.
For more details about the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo, go to www.equinepromotions.net, email jjcloe@equinepromotions.net, call 765-655-2107, or join us for late breaking details and excitement, on Facebook and Twitter.
Sponsors for the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2017 include: Akins Trailer Sales, the presenting sponsor; Beelart Embroidery; KMTR-TV, Youth Day sponsor; Logan Coach Trailers; Northwest Rider Magazine, the official publication of the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo; Phoenix Inn & Suites, the hosting hotel for the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo; and Wilco.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Colorado Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.