Rough Start Horse Rescue – Movie at the Barn & Blazing Saddles Bingo
Join Rough Start Horse Rescue and the ASPCA for Help a Horse Day!!
Where: 20027 S Harrison Rd, Edwall, WA 99008 (about 40 mins/30 miles SW of Spokane)
RSVP: Kelly Altiero 509-496-3424
Come watch Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron outside on the side of the Rough Start Horse Rescue barn. Play BLAZING SADDLES BINGO and win some great prizes. A months free riding lessons, gift cards, and so much more. Come learn how we can all help horses in need and help support homeless horses at the rescue.
We have some great bingo prizes for the kids as well as Mom and Dad. Belt buckles, Necklaces, massage gift certificate, gift cards, and more. We will take pictures and post on our Facebook Event Page as they come in. Also might have a saddle set, how great would that be to win a saddle for $1?!
Rough Start Horse Rescue website:
Help a Horse Day Event:

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Colorado Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.