The American Blazer Horse Association is looking forward to the 2015 Idaho Horse Expo coming to Nampa, Idaho, April 17 – 19. The ABHA has participated in this expo for a number of years where we have a booth with stalls featuring two Blazers per day. We have an information area where we educate the public about the Blazer breed; it is a great opportunity to answer any questions people might have.
The expo has various competitions in which Blazer owners/trainers show the amazing talents of our horses. A crowd favorite is the All Breed Challenge where ten different breeds compete for $1,000. Pictured here are four of the participants from the 2014 Idaho Horse Expo Extreme Cowboy Race. Another Expo attraction is the Blue Ribbon Horse Sale. There are usually some quality Blazer horses for sale there. Buyers can see the sale horses paraded into the arena twice a day. The sale area also has a round pen available to test ride any horse for sale. There might be a Blazer for you!
Because of those who show up to cheer and support Blazers in competition, we’ve earned a wonderful reputation of being “family.” And we want our Blazer family to grow as we add members to the association, birth new foals, work on training our horses and promote the breed to new people. Looking forward to seeing you all at the 2015 expo! More information is available at blazerhorse.com
Update! Blazers Wow the Crowds with Demonstrations and Tricks

The mission of ABHA is to encourage and support members of the Association, while they raise, exhibit, promote and enjoy the American Blazer Horse. It is also our goal to maintain a history of the Blazer Horse by recording their bloodlines and achievements for the preservation of the breed. blazerhorse.com