I can’t think of a more beautiful moment in my life than the first time I groomed my horse. The experience was wonderful. I was able to express my care and build the trust needed for a lasting bond. However, it was during the grooming process, I realized we were failing our equine friends. I took some time to read the labels of the horse grooming products I was using and quickly became disheartened at what I saw.
Irritants, Chemicals, And Health Risks
Prior to starting Equi-Spa, I worked in natural personal care for humans. I learned a lot during that time from the chemists I worked with about what chemical additives were unhealthy for our skin and the environment. Parabens, colorants, and artificial scents are irritating, drying, and can cause some pretty adverse health impacts. For example allergies, asthma, even acute and chronic illnesses. I saw so many of these ingredients in my horse’s grooming care products, that I knew something had to be done.
Why We Started With Essential Oils
When it came to developing care products for my horses, I knew the best place to start would be essential oils. These plant extracts are what the chemical ingredients were created to mimic, so why not just go straight to the source. Also, many of the plant extracts I started working with like chamomile, thyme, and peppermint, are all plants that horses encounter in the wild. So they are safe to apply, especially since horses have such heightened senses.
The Difference With Natural Care Was Incredible
I started just slowly incorporating these ingredients into the grooming process and I instantly noticed a difference. The new ingredients worked like a charm to clean my horse, protect them from pests, and add a show coat shine. I also noticed my horse was more open to these new ingredients. They were calmer, more confident, and happier during grooming time. Their lip would curl up and they’d make that “feels so good” face. When grooming was done, my horse would paw a bit at the ground in thanks, it was overall a wonderful experience.
I Had To Share With Others What I Had Learned
Equi-Spa started as naturally as our products. I just started sharing my recipes with other horse owners and making small samples. They had the same experience as I did, so I knew I had to get to work. I connected with some old friends from my previous industry and we started really digging into the research about essential oils and formulating great products for every grooming need. I made cleaning products, pest control products, and products for their overall well-being.
Why You Should Consider The Switch To Natural Care For Your Horse
We’ve found some really amazing benefits of switching to natural care. Our horses are happier, healthier, and look great. I recommend that you take a moment to read what’s in your horse’s care products. If you don’t know what an ingredient is, do a quick google search to see what it is, how it’s made, and the side effects of long-term use. There’s a ton of great information from really reputable sources that can help you understand why making the switch to natural is so important. You may be shocked by what you find out.
Make The Transition Easy For Your Horse
When you are ready to make the switch to natural horse care, we highly recommend slowly introducing the product to your horse. Put a few drops of the new product in your hand and gently offer it to your horse. If they like the smell, they will react by curling their lip or relaxing their jaw and nostrils. If they like it, then apply the product as directed. If they don’t move on to the next natural product until you find one they do like. Horses have very strong olfactory glands. Therefore, any grooming products you use, you want to make sure they will enjoy.
Keep An Eye Out For Any Changes
Once you’ve made the switch, see how your horse is responding. Take note of their coat, mane, and tail. Is it shiny and healthy? Are the new products keeping the dirt off? Are you fighting with fewer tangles? Also, pay close attention to their hooves. Are their hooves easier to pick? Does the frog look healthy? Are the hooves growing strong and straight? Also, make sure their mental health is good. Does your horse seem happier, calmer, and more energetic? Monitoring these changes can help you find the perfect natural grooming products for your horse.
At Equi-Spa we’ve really worked hard on our formulas, so they are as horse-friendly as possible. We’ve seen the damage that chemical ingredients can do, so we work to make sure our products aren’t just safe they work better. Consider making the switch with your horse to natural care and you’ll see a major difference.
Endorsements by Karen Pickering – Owner/Publisher, The Northwest Horse Source Magazine:
Fairy Tales Detangler: Smells wonderful, really untangled the mane/tail quickly without damage. I’ve also noticed that my horse’s mane and tail doesn’t tangle as easily. I am pleased to find products that are based on plant extracts rather than chemicals.
Fly Spray: Again, smells great. Kept the flies away for a few hours. Love having a natural product for fly control!
Sheath & Udder Cleaner: I used this product on both my mares. Really worked great. I applied using a warm cloth and let sit for about 15 minutes. The dirt and debris came right off without irritating the skin.

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