Golden Harvest Trail Ride Supports NW Charities
September 13-15, 2013 we hosted the 17th Annual Golden Harvest Charity Trail Ride WSQHA AQHA Ride Program. We had 98 registered participants, (returning to our original numbers). We have three charities that we contribute to and help support with this event: Animals As Natural Therapy; Northwest Therapeutic Riding Center; and Rancho Laguna’s HEART. WSQHA raised just over $7700 that will be donated to these great groups. It will be used for tuitions, therapies, equipment and feed. Northwest Therapeutic Riding Center has been a charity of WSQHA since the very first Trail Ride (17 years), Animals as Natural Therapy for 5 years and Rancho Laguna HEART is new this year.

We’ve had our event at the Flying Horseshoe Ranch in Cle Elum for 7 years and serve 5 country style meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast with the highlight being Saturday night’s BBQ prime rib dinner—corn on the cob, fully loaded baked potatoes and apple pie to top it off. Funds are raised with a prize ride, belt buckle and saddle raffle tickets, a silent and live auctions, tee shirt, and coffee sales.
So much fun was had by all this year and many club members attended for down-home, country fun. Thank you to all the board and club members who helped host another successful event. We could not have done it without you all! Please save the date and join us for the 18th GHCTR September 12-14, 2014 at the Flying Horseshoe Ranch.
Join WSQHA and log your trail hours for a chance to win a year-end awards buckle. Youth and adult buckle to the rider with the most hours logged on trails, as well as awards to the top three in each category. For more information visit
Published January 2014 Issue
WSQHA is the AQHA affilate group for Washington State. WSQHA is committed to encouraging the growth and development of the American Quarter Horse through showing, trail rides, community outreach and much more!