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L.A. City Council Poised to Ban Rodeo

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Important Update Concerning The Los Angeles Rodeo Ban

L.A. City Councilman, Bob Blumenfield Flip Flops Again On His Misguided Mission To Ban Rodeo.

Since 2020, Councilman Blumenfield has led the animal-extremist-backed attack on Western heritage. He flip-flopped all along the way. But now, his intentions are perfectly clear.

What started with an ordinance to ban certain rodeo equipment has now been revealed as a full-on direct assault on rodeo and other Western sports.

Despite two and a half years of outreach and education by the Western Sports Industry Coalition and other experienced industry experts, the LA City Council stands poised to ban rodeos outright by banning specific events at the heart of the sport. This action followed a report put out by the unelected L.A. Board of Animal Services, none of whom have any experience with livestock.

Unfortunately, the mentality of “Oh well, let L.A. do what it wants; it won’t affect the rest of us” is far too prevalent and will only hurt our industry in the long run.

We cannot sit on our hands any longer. If rodeo is banned in the second biggest city in the US, an extremely dangerous precedent will be set, one that will ripple throughout every aspect of our beloved Western lifestyle.

Please review the official amendment language below.

Western Justice Legislative Fund and the Western Sports Industry Coalition have been working on this issue for 3 years, it is time for the industry itself to come together and support our efforts.

These few small actions by our supporters will make great strides in protecting the things we all hold dear.

  1. Renew your membership or become a new annual member of Western Justice Legislative Fund. Memberships start at $25 a year.
  2. Sign the “Help Save Rodeo” petition on Rural America In Action.

Thank you to our current members and donors for your support. The work we do to protect the Western horse industry hinges on you!

The Western Justice Team.

Both Western Justice 501(c)3 and Rural America In Action are dedicated to protecting rural America in several different ways, from educating the public to helping raise funds after a natural disaster.

Western Justice is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation
Internal Revenue Code: EIN # 85-1713764 Registered in Wyoming
P.O. Box 454, Hermiston, OR 97838

Western Justice Legislative Fund is a Non-Profit, 501(c)(4) Corporation
Internal Revenue Code: EIN # 85-1738984 Registered in Wyoming.
P.O. Box 454 Hermiston ,OR 97838

Disclaimer: Contributions to WJLF are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses, if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business. Please consult with your tax adviser.

Western Justice Legislative Fund Website

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