Castell (Mason County), TX Friday April 7, 2017
Luna was reported stolen on April 1, 2017. Mr. Koch advised that she was last seen at 9am that morning. When he went out at 11am, she was gone. He notified the sheriff department and filed an official report with Mason County Sheriff Department. Mr. Koch in turn contacted Stolen Horse International aka to request assistance in the search for Luna.
On April 4, 2017, Stolen Horse International, Inc. received the first online report on its web site,, filed by Koch and, in short order, began distributing the information via their NetPosse Alert (the horse community’s Amber Alert) on the Internet to hundreds of social media groups and private email contacts in an effort to rally the public to help the family. We immediately contacted the sheriff office and confirmed that Luna’s case was being handled as a stolen horse.
Mr. Koch received a call on Friday April 7, 2017 from a Rancher 3 miles west of his home to advise they thought they might have found Luna. After they confirmed it was her, Luna was returned back to Mr. Koch. Somehow, she was behind a fence with 7 strands of barbed wire and two cattle gates. It is unknown as to how she wound up on this ranch. Mr. Koch is extremely grateful for the supporters of, friends/family and the media that assisted in getting the word out about Luna’s disappearance.
Stolen Horse International, a nonprofit organization also known as, is well known as the “lost and found’ place for horses on the internet for the equine industry. offers horse theft and equine ID education and assist in search and recovery of stolen or missing horses, as well as other equine equipment.
“Luna is the first horse I’ve owned since 1987, she is also the first horse for my Mother and Daughters.”, said William Koch. Mr. Koch went on to tell Stolen Horse International, that he was not able to own horses between 1987 to present due to his time in the military, deployment and with his position in law enforcement. He explained he is an avid deer hunter and he actually traded his deer rifle for Luna. William searched day and night for Luna. He also contacted Mason County Sheriff Department regarding her disappearance. Mr. Koch informed us that he had not heard of our organization until the disappearance of Luna but because of this situation, he is prepared to share all the alerts that we provide in the future.
Mr. Koch advised he still wants to know who is responsible for the disappearance of Luna. Mason County Sheriff Office has also reported that they are searching and requesting the public’s help in identifying the suspects who stole Luna from Mason County.
You will find Luna’s webpage with information and a printable flyer in her listing, which is where any updates or leads will be posted. Anyone interested in helping can search for report number NR005204 or use this direct link on the site:
“Circulating the flyers as well as the Alerts nationwide is imperative in the search for missing, lost and stolen horses. These flyers are one tool that brings home many horses and must be posted in as many public places as possible,” says Debi Metcalfe, founder of Stolen Horse International. “And remember, not everyone has internet access. Please post their flyer in public places as well.”
Pictures, flyer, contact information, updates and other information are on the NetPosse webpage. Anyone with information regarding the suspects who are responsible for the disappearance of Luna is encouraged to contact Mason County Sheriff Department or Stolen Horse International with any information.
© 2017 – Stolen Horse International Public Relations
For more information on Stolen Horse International and its programs, visit the website at Stolen Horse International is a Section 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to it are tax-deductible as charitable contributions.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Colorado Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.