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Out of The Sun for Everyone – Pavilions are a Perfect Addition for Horse Facilities

Photo from Horizon Structures

If you’ve ever spent the day working in the heat under the glare of full sun in the “dog days of summer” then you know firsthand how heat exhaustion and sunburn can creep up on you. As a clinician, I have certainly spent my fair share of time giving instruction …

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Feeding the Performance Horse – There’s More than One Way to Provide Working Horses with Energy

What makes a horse a performance horse? The performance activities of horses vary in both duration and intensity. Therefore, what we feed them also needs to vary. In this article, we’ll discuss feeding performance horses by addressing water and energy needs. Each and every performance horse requires water, energy (calories), …

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Standlee Offers Teff Grass Pellets for Special Needs Horses

Standlee Premium Products™ introduces Standlee Premium Western Forage® Teff Grass Pellets for horses. These pellets are a soft, high-fiber grass forage with moderate protein content and low sugar/starch content. This forage is a nutritional solution for horses challenged with sugar/starch sensitivities such as those diagnosed with equine metabolic syndrome (EMS), …

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State Line Tack and 4-H Work Together to Inspire and Help Kids

State Line Tack is thrilled to support 4-H horse programs across the nation. 4-H provides young people with opportunities to improve sportsmanship, learn self-discipline, practice teamwork and develop self-confidence. At State Line Tack, we care about empowering youth and building a lifelong love of horses in a new generation. We …

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Equi-Spa Believes in Natural Horse Care

Chemical additives are unhealthy for humans, animals, and the environment. Parabens, colorants, and artificial scents are irritating, drying, and can cause some pretty adverse health impacts such as allergies, asthma, even acute and chronic illnesses. Many of these ingredients can be found in our horse’s grooming care products. When it …

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