4 Days of Riding, Friends, and Great Food
It isn’t hard to find a trail ride in Idaho. The state was made for riders and there’s no shortage of trail riding enthusiasts. One great ride to keep in mind is the Weiser River Trail Ride each Memorial Day weekend. Rocky Widner, president of the American Blazer Horse Association, joined the ride this year for the third time.

The ride begins at Weiser, Idaho and ends at Council. It’s important to arrive at camp in time for dinner each day because the food is fantastic. Breakfast and dinner are catered, but riders are on their own for lunch along the trail. Along the road to Council, riders may encounter deer, elk, bear, turkey and other game birds. In 2016, riders also found kayakers along the river. The ride is about 60 miles and is spread out from Friday to Monday. The trail moves along an old railroad grade, so it isn’t steep—just a gradual climb. There are some rough places on the trail so riders should be careful. Horses should only be barefoot if they have good tough feet. Evergreens become thicker toward the north end of the trail, where no motor vehicles are allowed.
The company is always pleasant with good down-to-earth folks who enjoy some time away. Rocky and his friends at the ABHA are hoping to add more Blazer Horses in future years to the Weiser River Trail Ride. ABHA members can email blazertimes@hotmail.com or drop a note on Facebook to learn more.

The mission of ABHA is to encourage and support members of the Association, while they raise, exhibit, promote and enjoy the American Blazer Horse. It is also our goal to maintain a history of the Blazer Horse by recording their bloodlines and achievements for the preservation of the breed. blazerhorse.com