A growing number of horse owners rely on the misconception that if their horse appears healthy and fit, then chances are it is. What if we had the tools to help us look beyond a horse’s appearance so that good decisions could be made for its optimal health and management? Beginning in January, Equine Guelph, University of Guelph, started its winter studies which will continue through March. They include, The Equine Industry, Equine Behaviour, Management of the Equine Environment, Equine Nutrition, and Marketing and Communications in the Equine Industry. Course instructors include Dr. Wendy Brett, a veterinarian and long-time horse enthusiast. “One must have some idea of how horses’ body systems work to be able to care for our four legged friends appropriately,” says Brett, who is also involved in research projects and teaches foreign veterinarians. Registration is now open. To learn more about the University of Guelph’s winter 2013 line-up contact the Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support at info@coles.uoguelph.ca, call 519-767-5000 or visit www.equinestudiesdiploma.com.
Published February 2013 Issue

The Colorado Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in Colorado and surrounding area. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.