My Mom Thinks I’m Fat (maybe she should ride me once in awhile)

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April in stall 2016I’m standing here in my outdoor shelter, enjoying my lunch, when I notice my mom looking at me in disgust. Yes, I’ve put on a few pounds this winter…She hasn’t been riding me because my feet hurt, but I can’t wait to get out and do something. Horses get bored, too, you know!

The weather this winter has been so wet I haven’t gotten out into our big field; something to do with protecting the grass. Phooey! Of course my special shoes get sucked off pretty easy when the ground is soft so I’m stuck in my little sacrifice pen for the winter. Oh, how I long for summer.

I heard a rumor I’m getting replaced with a new horse—how did that happen? Doesn’t she know that I’m special? Well, maybe a new friend won’t be so bad. My current pasture buddy, Dawn, is kind of grumpy. She’s always showing me her teeth.

Please tell my mom I love her and will do my best to get better. AND if she wants my feet to get better she should quit feeding me so much and take me out for a walk once in a while.

By April Pickering

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