Celebrating the Spirit of the Horse!

Join the “round-up” of horse lovers, as the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2018, presented by Akins Trailers, gallops into Albany, Oregon, March 23 through 25, 2018 at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center! “Now in our 19th year in Albany, the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo is packed with good old-fashioned horse fun!” said John Cloe, Event Founder and Manager. “The Northwest Horse Fair is a family-friendly event, with activities for horse enthusiasts of all ages! Expo attendees can take in top-notch horse trainers, see exciting equine entertainment, breed demos, and a model horse show, plus shop at our gigantic trade show!”
World-Class Riders & Trainers!
“Audiences can anticipate first-class clinicians from across the U.S., sharing their riding and horse training expertise in clinics, seminars and demonstration at the Northwest Horse Fair”, said Mr. Cloe. “We’re excited to feature Josh Lyons (TN) of Lyons Legacy, who will headline the clinicians, presenting General Horsemanship clinics. In addition, Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez (CO) will feature Dressage; Steve Rother (WA) will conduct General Horsemanship clinics; Elizabeth Graves (MN) will work with Naturally Gaited Horses; Julie Alonzo (OR) will offer Working Equitation clinics; and Bonnie Davis (CA) will give lectures on Horse Camping. In addition, radio and on-line TV host of Speaking with Horses, Wayne Williams (WI), will be on hand.”
Josh Lyons learned from the best, working alongside his father John Lyons for years, riding, teaching clinics, and working at horse expos. Josh has expanded the John and Josh Lyons Certification Program to Tennessee, and he’s in high demand for the certification program, clinics, and performance training. Josh’s understanding of the horse’s mind and ability to bring out the best in both riders and horses is unrivaled. Through years of dedicated work, Josh Lyons has become one of the most talented horse trainers and clinicians in the world! Josh will provide multiple clinics at the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2018, including: “Leads & Lead Changes”; “The 5 Releases in Horse Training to Unlock Your Horse’s Whole Potential”; “Best Ground Exercises for Riding a Confident & Safe Horse”; “Speed Control & Transitions”; and “5 Foundation Exercises for Every Horse & Rider Team”.
Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez is a licensed USEF “S” judge with the added designations for Young Horse, Equitation, and Freestyle. She is also an “R” Sport Horse Breeding judge and “R” Western Dressage judge. Debbie has competed several horses through Grand Prix level, and has earned her USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Rider Medals. Debbie will conduct daily clinics at the expo: “The Training Scale: How to Improve Your Basics & the Most Commonly Seen Problems”; “From the Judge’s Eye: Movements from First & Second Levels”; and “Evaluating Gaits – What to Look For in a Dressage Prospect”.
Steve Rother is an internationally acclaimed clinician, and winner of numerous Trainers’ Challenges. Known as The Horseteacher, Steve is dedicated to all horse people who strive to teach their horses by educating themselves. He is not limited to a specific discipline or breed of horse, and has been successful over the last two decades helping people of all ages develop a more willing partnership with their horse. Steve will present three riding clinics at the Northwest Horse Fair: “Developing Rider Confidence” and “Wild to Willing –the Difference Between Starting a Wild and a Domestic Horse”; and “Overcoming Extreme Issues”; plus Steve will give two lectures: “Horse Psychology: How to Think Like a Horse”; and “If Horses Could Talk”.
Elizabeth Graves is a gaited horse judge, clinician, trainer, gait inspector, competitor and pleasure rider. She has over 30 years experience as a licensed judge with multiple gaited and non-gaited breeds throughout the United States and Canada. Elizabeth trains and conducts clinics and expos nationally and internationally. Her guiding mission is to educate horses and people on working together as a team peacefully and humanely. She strives to bring a higher standard of horsemanship to all who want to learn how to ride their horses in a sound and stress-free manner. Elizabeth’s clinics at the Northwest Horse Fair 2018 will include: “Learning to Ride the Easy Gaited Horse from the Top Down”; “Rating the Easy Gaited Horse Through Upward & Downward Transitions”; and “The 6 Essential Elements of Easy Gaited Horsemanship”. Elizabeth will also offer a discussion, answering questions about Easy Gaited Horses.
Julie Alonzo has been actively involved in Working Equitation (WE) since its introduction to the United States. She is the Founder and 2017 elected President of WE United, the national governing body for the sport in the United States. Julie will provide clinics on Friday and Saturday, teaching how to ride specific elements of Working Equitation. Julie will also provide a lecture: “Working Equitation From the Judge’s Perspective”.
Bonnie Davis has been an avid trail rider and horse camper for over 50 years, having ridden and camped throughout the United States. Bonnie will share some of her vast experience and expertise in horse camping, providing three lectures at the Northwest Horse Fair, on Horsecamping preparation, and related details.
The Mustang Adoption Challenge!
“We’re pleased to once again offer the Mustang Adoption Challenge, presented by the non-profit organization, Teens and Oregon Mustangs!” said Mr. Cloe. “This year we’ll see new horses, new competitors and new challenges!” The event features youth and adults working with wild mustangs acquired through the program, in December. Contestants have just three months to train their horses for a series of competitive events held at the Northwest Horse Fair 2018. Contest Divisions include Youth In-Hand; Teen In-Hand; Teen Riding and Adult Riding. The Challenge kicks off Thursday evening March 22 with Showmanship and Body Condition judging, then Friday the competition includes Youth In-Hand, Teen In-Hand and Freestyle contests. Competitors will square off in Teen Riding and the Purina Body Conditioning Showdown, on Saturday morning, and the Adult Riding division will be featured Saturday evening. Mr. Cloe continued, “On Sunday, the results of the competition are announced, along with award presentations for all divisions. Then, spectators will have a chance to take a mustang home, through the live auction held immediately after the Challenge results are announced, on Sunday March 25!” For more information on the Mustang Adoption Challenge 2018, go to http://www.teensandoregonmustangs.org.
BreyerWest is Back!

BreyerWest will return to the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo for 2018! BreyerWest is a fun model horse event featuring model horse hobby demonstrations, model horse shows and fun equine-related workshops, for kids and adults. On Friday, BreyerWest will feature the Open Model Horse Show. All 3 days of the expo, free Stablemates Painting will be open to kids 18 and under, in the BreyerWest area, where participants can customize their own miniature model horse to take home! Saturday and Sunday will also feature various hands-on workshops and free demos with hobby experts. And Sunday will feature the Youth/Novice Model Horse Show, a great event for young people to get started with model horse showing. For additional information and a full schedule of BreyerWest 2018 events, go to https://www.breyerhorses.com/breyerwest18
Creative Entertainment with Horses!

Exhilarating equine entertainment is always a family favorite at the Northwest Horse Fair, promising to provide equine delights to spectators young and old! Mr. Cloe noted, “This year, audiences can enjoy the lively “dynamic duo”, Spanky and Dally: a miniature horse and daring little dog, as they entertain with amazing tricks, fun, and humor. Don’t miss as Dally the dog jumps up onto Spanky’s back for a dog-gone good ride over jumps!!” The BlackPearl Friesian Dance Troupe will provide captivating performances, as their horses waltz into the arena, sashaying in time to music. Their colorful costumes will complement their stunning steeds, as flashy high-stepping horses strut their stuff! Then, ramping it up a notch, the Rim Rock Riders Drill Team will perform precision patterns to music, zigzagging through the arena, with electrifying speed! And “Endo the Blind” – a horse with no eyes – will be ridden and shown at liberty, by his owner. Endo and his owner put on an amazing demonstration, exhibiting extraordinary communication and trust!
Learn About Horses!
Breed Showcase & Stallion Review
“Between other events, we’ll feature demos with magnificent horses – with flowing manes, showing fancy footwork, some dressed in silver and clever costumes!” said Mr. Cloe. The wide variety of equine breeds will exhibit their respective strengths, demonstrating the beauty and diversity of equine, in the Breed Showcase and Stallion Reviews. Mr. Cloe continued, “Plus the stall barn that houses the horses, will be open for the public to visit horses up close and personal, and visit with their owners and trainers.”
Shop ‘til You Drop!
The largest equine-related trade show in the Northwest will feature dozens of shopping booths encompassing two buildings! Vendors from all over the U.S. and Canada will provide a shopping paradise for expo attendees! Among the wide-ranging shopping treasures for horse enthusiasts will be: trailers, clothing for rider and horse, saddles, bridles, feed, farm supplies and products, gifts, home décor items, services and much more!
Admission Discounts!
Friday March 23, expo attendees can bring a non-perishable food item to the admission gate and get a dollar off their ticket price. All donations go to the Albany Helping Hands Homeless Shelter. Then Sunday March 25 is KMTR Youth Day! Children 12 and under get in free that day when accompanied by a paying adult. In addition, 4-H and Pony Club members aged 13 to 18 years, can get in free Sunday, with their club ID cards.

Hours & More Info
Hours for the Northwest Horse Fair 2018 are: Friday March 23, from 10am to 8pm; Saturday March 24, from 9am to 8pm; and Sunday March 25, from 9am to 6pm. For ticket information, schedules and more details about the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2018, go to www.equinepromotions.net, email jjcloe@equinepromotions.net, call 765-655-2107, or join us for late breaking details and excitement, on Facebook (Northwest Horse Fair & Expo (NWHF)) and Twitter (@NWHorseFair).
Sponsors for the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2018 are: Akins Trailer Sales, the presenting sponsor; Beelart Embroidery, the official event embroiderer; KMTR-TV, Youth Day sponsor; KRKT; Logan Coach Trailers; The Northwest Horse Source, the official publication of the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo; Phoenix Inn & Suites, the hosting hotel for the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo; and Wilco.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Colorado Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.