Preventing Dehydration in the Horse

With exercise, the body temperature rises. This heat must be dissipated, or the horse will literally “cook”! The body cools itself through the evaporation of sweat, so sweating is especially important for the exercising horse. The sweat contains water and electrolytes, or salts. The main electrolytes are sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, …

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New and Noteworthy: The Sturdy Horse

The Sturdy Horse
Peaches in July 6th 2023 when just beginning Sturdy Horse products and her new feed regimen. Photo provided by Monte Robertson.

Head to Hoof® Products Help Senior Horse Regain Health The Sturdy Horse, located in Del Norte, Colorado, researches, develops, and manufactures products made from hemp seeds that help humans, horses, and pets.  One horse, Peaches, a 29-year-old Quarter Horse with extreme malnutrition due to negligence, was checked over by a …

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Equine Wellness: Know Your Horse’s “Normal”


How to Take, Measure and Track Key Vital Signs By Meriel Moore-Colyer for Haygain Maintaining good health in our horses is every owner’s responsibility. Avoiding performance-limiting viruses, preventing the development of more serious diseases, and ensuring your horse is content and living as natural a life as possible should be everyone’s …

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Grand Meadows Cares Series: Equine Gastric Ulcers – Are You On The Right Track?

Equine Gastric Ulcers

Gastric ulcer treatment for equines runs the gamut from commercially and home-produced pastes and potions, to off label use of medications in cocktails and concoctions. Whenever you administer medications or supplements to your horse, it goes without saying (or does it?), that following the manufacturer’s instructions for the duration and …

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